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Restate Cluster Deployment

This page describes how you can deploy a distributed Restate cluster.

Quickstart using Docker

Check out the Restate cluster guide for a Docker Compose ready-made example.

Migrating an existing single-node deployment

Check out the single node migration guide for how to migrate a single-node into a multi-node deployment without losing data.


Architectural overview

To understand the terminology used on this page, it might be helpful to read through the architecture reference.


Snapshots are essential to support safe log trimming and also allow you to set partition replication to a subset of all cluster nodes, while still allowing for fast partition fail-over to any live node. Snapshots are also necessary to add more nodes in the future.

To deploy a distributed Restate cluster without external dependencies, you need to configure the following settings in your server configuration:

# Let every node run all roles
roles = ["metadata-server", "admin", "worker", "log-server"]
# Every node needs to have a unique node name
node-name = "UNIQUE_NODE_NAME"
# All nodes need to have the same cluster name
cluster-name = "CLUSTER_NAME"
# Make sure it does not conflict with the other nodes
advertised-address = "ADVERTISED_ADDRESS"
# At most one node can be configured with auto-provision = true
auto-provision = false
# Only the replicated Bifrost provider can be used in a distributed deployment
default-provider = "replicated"
# Replicate the data to 2 nodes. This requires that the cluster has at least 2 nodes to
# become operational. If the cluster has at least 3 nodes, then it can tolerate 1 node failure.
default-log-replication = 2
# To tolerate node failures, use the replicated metadata server
type = "replicated"
# List all the advertised addresses of the nodes that run the metadata-server role
# Make sure it does not conflict with the other nodes
bind-address = "ADMIN_BIND_ADDRESS"
# Make sure it does not conflict with other nodes
bind-address = "INGRESS_BIND_ADDRESS"
# Make sure it does not conflict with other nodes
pgsql-bind-address = "PGSQL_BIND_ADDRESS"

It is important that every Restate node you start has a unique node-name specified. All nodes that are part of the cluster need to have the same cluster-name specified. At most one node can be configured with auto-provision = true. If no node is allowed to auto provision, then you have to manually provision the cluster. Refer to the Cluster provisioning section for more information.

The log provider needs to be configured with default-provider = "replicated". The default-log-replication should be set to the number of nodes that the data should be replicated to. If you run at least 2 * default-replication-property - 1 nodes, then the cluster can tolerate default-replication-property - 1 node failures.

The metadata server type should be set to replicated to tolerate node failures. Every node that runs the metadata-server role will join the metadata store cluster. To tolerate n metadata node failures, you need to run at least 2 * n + 1 Restate nodes with the metadata-server role configured.

The metadata-client should be configured with the advertised addresses of all nodes that run the metadata-server role.

Every Restate node that runs the worker role will also run the ingress server and accept incoming invocations.

For those nodes that run on the same machine, make sure that the ports do not conflict.

Controlling Clusters

Restate includes a command line utility tool to connect to and control running Restate servers called restatectl. This tool is specifically designed for system operators to manage Restate servers and is particularly useful in a cluster environment. It is distinct from the application developer-focused restate CLI tool, which is used to manage service deployments and invocations.

Using restatectl

The restatectl tool communicates with Restate at the advertised address specified in the server configuration - by default TCP port 5122. To get an overview of a running server or cluster, use the status command:

restatectl status --addresses http://localhost:5122/
Sample output
Node Configuration (v3)
N1 2 n1 admin | log-server | metadata-server | worker
Log Configuration (v2)
Default Provider Config: Local
0 1 Local N/A N/A N/A N/A
Alive partition processors (nodes config v3, partition table v2)
0 N1:2 Leader Active N1:2 e1 1 - 615 ms ago

Cluster provisioning

Once you start the node that is configured with auto-provision = true, it will provision the cluster so that other nodes can join. The provision step initializes the metadata store and writes the initial NodesConfiguration with the initial cluster configuration to the metadata store. In case none of the nodes is allowed to auto-provision, then you need to provision the cluster manually via restatectl.

restatectl provision --address <SERVER_TO_PROVISION> --yes

This provisions the cluster with default settings specified in the server configuration.